Thursday 24 March 2011


# May I Speak To The King

Do you know that you are a king in Christ? If you do not know this yet let me show you that you are.

Genesis 1: 27 & 28 (NIV)
“So God created man in His own image, in the image of God he created him; male and         female He created them.”
“God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number, fill the earth and subdue it. RULE over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”
One of the straightest definitions of the word ‘RULE’ is to govern...and as far as this earth is concerned and our little education that we have, we know that it is kings who govern or rule. And God did not even create us to govern any geographical area; He made us to be kings over all the earth.
And so I call heaven as my witness and the bible as my testimony and I put it to you who do not know this day that YOU ARE A KING IN CHRIST! If you agree and understand say AMEN!
Then, with your permission, I would very much like to speak to the king in you. If you are a king, then let me ask you this;
1. Where is your kingdom?
2. Do you walk, talk, act and live like a king?
3. What do you have to show in your life that fits the portion of kings that you just admitted that you are?
We all know for a fact;
· Kings have kingdoms
· Kings do mighty exploits and achieve great things
· Kings win wars and battles which enable them to expand their territories or kingdoms
Do you have any evidence to back the facts mentioned above? If there is still a king in you...then please read on.

·         When a king sins (2 Samuel 12: 13 – 15) (NIV)

13 Then David said to Nathan, “I have sinned against the Lord” Nathan replied, “The Lord has taken away your sin. You are not going to die. 14But because of doing this, you have made the enemies of the lord show utter contempt, the son born to you will die.”
15 “After Nathan had gone home, the Lord struck the child that Uriah’s wife had borne to David, and he became ill.”
Understand this; David was no ordinary king...he was elected, trained, anointed, loved, blessed and preserved by none other than God Himself. Sounds a lot like the life to which we are called to in Christ doesn’t it? So David’s sin had painful effect on God (read verse 14) which He would not take lightly. It gave God’s enemies the opportunity to speak to God with “utter contempt”. Can you imagine if your son or daughter goes and acts like a fool somewhere and this gives your enemies the chance they’ve been dying to get...after you have spoken so highly about this child...How foolish would you look in front of everybody?
You need to understand right now that as forgiving and loving as God is, there comes a time when your sin just makes Him look like a fool in the eyes of His enemies and no father will allow his son to get away without any consequences. And so David’s sin brought the death of the child from that illicit affair, and no amount of intercessory prayer could turn things around. The child simply had to DIE!

·         Deadly Foxes (Song of Songs 2:15) (NIV)
15 “Catch for us the foxes, the little foxes that ruin the vineyards, our vineyards that are in bloom.”
Do you know how many times our sins (little foxes) have ruined our blooming vineyards? The vineyards in this scripture stands for our dreams, plans in Christ, aspirations, projects and literally everything that we put our hearts, minds and hands to. The sin we have such a difficult time getting rid of is what is puling us 2 steps back each time we take 1 step forward. As men, we struggle with so many things which bring down our life’s work for some and for others prevent us from achieving any work at all whether in our ministry, business, job, home or family. And thus we are kings who either do not know we have a kingdom, or just can’t seem to get to that point where we live and thrive in it.
(Am I speaking to the King yet?)

It is one thing for the devil to fight us with God on our side. But when God decides to teach us a lesson by standing aside and allowing us to be sifted like wheat simply because we choose to hold on to petty sinful pleasures which will only keep us from being all that God wants us to be...that’s just plain sad. We can be so much more than sad if we decide to take a stand NOW and make the choice to BE MIGHTY!!     It begins here, right now...with a simple honest prayer. Do it now...please...pray now to your father in heaven.

Let us pray....

Father in heaven, we confess that we are struggling with sin and we lay down all the sin (s) (mention them by name) we struggle with on the altar. We give them up to you. Forgive us, wash us in your blood, and cleanse us and give us the strength to choose you every day of our lives. We renounce these sins and all their implications and consequences. We are sorry that our holding on to them has caused you pain. Forgive us. We promise from this moment, never to permit anything in our lives to bring disgrace to you. Please give us the grace to see this promise through. Thank you for answered prayer. Amen!

Beloved, this bold step will surely yield rewards soon. There is Hope yet for us all for in Christ, we are forgiven.   Read Matthew 26:41.                          
Coming soon...!!!
Part 2. “...WAKE UP THE MIGHTY MEN...”                                                                                  JOEL3:9        Imagine what it would be like in the spirit and the level of impact we (Christian men) would make if we locked arms in commitment to the Lord Jesus and to each David’s Mighty Men.
Watch out for the next episode as we take a closer look at David’s Mighty Men.                                                        
God looks at you not as you are but as you should be. And in God’s eyes you should be a King on this earth.
God does NOT have the sentence “its too late” in His dictionary because with Him All things are possible.

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