Wednesday 23 March 2011

The Profile of a Mighty Man

The vision and purpose for Mighty Men of David (M.M.O.D) was given by the Holy Spirit to serve as a challenge to all Christian men in Ghana to become fully devoted disciples of Jesus Christ and mighty soldiers in God’s end time army.
More specifically, the vision will equip men to be spiritual leaders in our homes, our churches, our communities and our world.
M.M.O.D is uniquely non-denominational. From its launch, we developed our own identity and style and focus on different topics of study through the years.
M.M.O.D is NOT a church but rather a ministry for men who desire to SERVE, WORSHIP, PRAY and OBEY God’s word for our lives. We are each other’s keeper and also an integral part of each others’ lives.
The success of our ministry shall never be measured by attendance or whether or not men ‘like’ what we do. Success will be achieved when those involved excel in the following areas;
·         KNOWLEDGE (what he knows…)
A mighty man is someone who has sound working knowledge of 
o   The bible
o   The gospel
o   Who God is
o   Himself
o   The will of God
o   A Christian worldview

·         CHARACTER (who he is…)
A mighty man is one who reflects the very image of God
·         Christ-like
·         Holiness of heart and life
·         Man of integrity
·         Moral purity
·         Practices spiritual disciplines
·         Manifests the fruits of the Spirit
·         Growing in Grace

·         SERVICE (What he does…)
A mighty man manifests the authenticity of his faith by his actions at home, at work, in church and in the world.
o   A family man
o   A witness for Christ
o   A servant
o   Knows and uses his spiritual gifts
o   Makes disciples
o   An active member of Christ’s body
o   Obedient to God’s voice
o   Involved in ministry

·         COMMUNITY (Who he is in relationship with…)
A mighty man realizes he cannot live in isolation from other mighty men. He seeks constantly to build deep interpersonal relationships with others that reflect;
o   Mutual accountability
o   Spiritual unity
o   Team ministry
o   Corporate worship, bible study and prayer
o   Deep meaningful friendships
In the coming year 2011, our focus will be on the development of a man’s character: the inner core of his being that defines who he really is. Men often project an “image” of who we are; strong, fearless, honest and godly, a family man, etc. Tragically, the reality is often very different.
We will study  the lives of Judah’s eight ‘Good’ kings(II Chronicles and I & II Kings) to enable us understand some of the dynamics of character development and some of the pitfalls that await those who embark on a life of godliness.

1 comment:

  1. We welcome all Christian men to be a part of this ministry. Kindly contact us on 0265500900 to find out our meeting days, venues and times.
    We look forward to sharing God's love with you!!
