Thursday 24 March 2011


# Awaken The Mighty Men

To begin this chapter, read Joel 3:9 - 11 and 
2ND Samuel 22: 51

To be a king, you must be a mighty warrior as well as a great leader. Check history and you will see that every great king was first a great warrior. And so it is in God’s kingdom. Because we have such an adversary in the devil, who will not just stand by and watch us take our place in the kingdom, we have to fight our way to our success as businessmen, fathers, husbands and spiritual leaders in the home. Because ultimately, this is what it’s all about. Success should be measured all round in our lives and not just in one area. That is how God intended it. You must understand that in order to achieve this, our faith in Christ must be unshakeable. We can only achieve success in every area of our lives by pleasing the King of kings and you’ll agree with me that it is not by any other means but by faith. (See Hebrews 11:6). And please also understand this, the devil is NOT after your money or your marriage or your business...don’t get me wrong, he wants nothing more than to see you suffer. But take all these things from a man who still has his faith in Christ solidly and you’ve achieved nothing! So why then does he use those things to attack us, you may ask? Because he has realized that we are too moved by those things. We have our eyes and hearts so set on those things that we pay more attention to them than we ought to. We look at things too much from the physical eye than the spiritual eye. We have become FARMERS!                

But in Joel 3:9, God is calling us to stop farming and Go to WAR!!! Quit farming and start fighting for what is rightfully ours. Well, you might say why should I have to fight for something that is already mine? That seems unfair. But that’s the beauty of this Christian faith of ours. It is that we know the outcome of this war because it has already been won by Christ on Calvary’s cross. Tell me, wouldn’t you bet on a football match if you knew the real results? Wouldn’t you step into the ring with an enemy who appears to be 10 times your size if you already knew the      outcome of the fight? The devil knows he has lost; he’s just going down kicking and screaming. But he’s going down to hell nonetheless. Now you tell me who has the unfair advantage?
This is a call to go to war and not just standing alone but side by side with other faith filled Christian men. The Lion of Judah is roaring and calling to men like you and I. Men with issues, men with struggles, imperfect men, frustrated men, men in debt, men who are tired of being the tail and never the head as Christ made us to be. 
                                                                                     This is a war cry!! 
Are you ready to take back yours? If not, then you might as well get off this bus right here. I don't know about you but I will NO LONGER be a push over. I will have him know, that if he dares take me on, he’s fighting a losing battle because greater is He that lives in me than he who wishes he was living in me. Amen!?
Imagine this: if men in Christ, stood firm in the spirit, side by side with arms locked, praying for and with each other, teaching each other, committed to each others’ success in all areas of life....what devil could push this army over?  Read 2ND Samuel 22:13 - 17.
I have never seen such a level of commitment like these guys had to David. This same commitment led them to desire to achieve such a thing as they did. To go to such lengths just to bring David water to drink. And note that David didn't command them to, he merely made a statement and that was enough for them. Imagine having a band of men of faith on whom you can call on anytime of day or night.
·         Men who would stand by you when you stand; and also help you to your feet when you fall.
·         Men who know your weaknesses but never judge you based on that.
·         Men who trust each other and depend on each other not for selfish reasons but for Christ to be glorified.
One may ask, what made these men achieve such great exploits?  Were they specially blessed? Were they better men than we men in Christ today? I don't think they had any unique capabilities or strengths. Read back from verse 8 of that chapter and you’ll notice that each time these men set out to do something mighty, it ended with ...”and the Lord brought about a great victory.”  Victory always comes from the Lord. But the thing here is that these guys didn't just sit and watch to see what the Lord would do. They pick up those weapons of warfare and gave their enemies one hell of a fight. These were men with issues just like we are. One thing is for sure, I may have some issues and things I need to deal with in my marriage, my finances, my job, myself...but  what if I had a bunch of faith filled praying warrior kings as brothers...who would not give up on me until they see a change in my life. And what if I was equally committed to them? What a blessing that would be and a difference that would most certainly make. I know there are other areas that a lot of men need support...but I’m laying emphasis on prayer here because no one knows better than I do that prayer turns things around no matter how bad they may look. And the secret here is that I have more warriors fighting my battles with me each time so things get resolved quicker. It’s that simple. See Proverbs 27:17
We need to stay sharp all the time. For the sake of Christ, our ministries, our dreams, our families, ourselves and all those whose blessings we are carrying. Don’t let the devil deceive you to thinking that being a part of a ministry like this would make people take advantage of you. It is far from that. God has    deposited some serious gifts in you, which others must benefit from before your time is up here on earth. You cannot live and die without imparting some other man’s life. You must not. Young men need to know and share in your rich experience and wisdom. You have more sons than the ones that came through your loins. Let me reveal a secret to you that will just make the devil mad. But will make you know one more trick he has been playing.
One of the biggest lies young Christian men have been gullible enough to believe is that the older generation have nothing good to offer. IT IS A BIG LIE!!! A lie that we have surprisingly come to believe. Even in the church. But we need to have that father and son relationship in the body of Christ more than anywhere. There are men who still cannot find their bearings in life simply because once they left their father’s house; that is it. How many of us actually have had our fathers lay hands physically on us to pronounce blessings on our lives? This is very important. How many of us lay hands on our children and pray for them. How many of us speak blessings in their lives in order to reverse all those destructive things we said to them when they were younger? The time for healing is now! The time for revival is now!
Another one of the devil’s lies is the type of men he has led the world to believe are “real men”. He has made the true Christian man look like a fool and a weakling. Today, so much is demanded of men that even spending real quality time with God looks like a total waste of time. So much to do, so little time. We can barely give God Sundays let alone week days after such an exhausting day at work. Why do we chase after things which will not last through eternity?
Lastly, the enemy is using petty sins and mistakes which we make due to our lack of knowledge of who we really are in Christ to discredit us completely. In our families, our homes, and even in our churches. But as kings, we must not allow ourselves to be entangled by those things which so easily bring us down.
I do not say these things to make you feel condemned. You cannot be condemned because you are in Christ. But I say them so I might insight in you the desperation and desire to choose from this day to be the mighty man that God called you to be in Christ. It all began with dealing with the things we were holding on to. We talked about the “little foxes” that needed to be dealt with. If we sat in a group and felt free enough to discuss the things we were dealing with as men, you’d be shocked to find out just how much we have in common and how some have already walked that road and how much they have to say about how they arrived at a solution.
Beloved in Christ, you must know by now that we as men are called to so much more than we are actually experiencing and enjoying. I entreat you to take this step in the right direction to becoming a mighty man as well as a part of something eternal that God is doing in these last days. I have come to realize that when it comes to the things of God, there’s very little time to be sceptical, critical and choosy. Simply because we have run out of time and we still need to be all that we ought to be in Christ.
God bless you and do let us hear from you soon.               
Remember to Choose to be MIGHTY!!

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